sanguine temperament造句

"sanguine temperament"是什么意思   


  1. Ran , whom i once saw , was short , of slender form , and of a much more nervous than sanguine temperament ; grief could hardly produce apoplexy in such a constitution as that of madame de saint - m ran .
    “中风是不大可能, ”波尚说, “我曾见过圣梅朗夫人一两次,身材很矮很瘦,是一个神经质而不是多血质的人。
  2. The stout man got up , shrugged his shoulders frowning , and evidently trying to show fortitude , began putting on his tunic without looking about him . but all at once his lips quivered and to his own rage he began to cry , as grown - up men of sanguine temperament do cry
  3. It's difficult to find sanguine temperament in a sentence. 用sanguine temperament造句挺难的


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